Cover of A Practical Guide Linux Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming

Errata for A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming
The name of the person who first reported an error appears in parentheses following the correction.

Chapter 3, page 51 Change the last three lines of the last paragraph to "... (indicated by a minus sign) from the first line through the sixth line. Similarly the +1,5 indicates that the hunk covers colors.2 from the first line through the fifth line." (Michael M. Dowd)
Chapter 3, page 57 (first printing of the book only): Third paragraph, change gzip to bzip2.

(first printing of the book only): Second paragraph under bunzip2 and bzcat Decompress a File: In the fourth sentence, change "...the following example redirects the output of zcat..." to "...the following example redirects the output of bzcat...". (Gina Ramirez)
Chapter 3, page 58-59 Page 58, second paragraph under tar: Packs and Unpacks Files: Delete the following words: "the letter a to indicate that it is appending to the archive. This letter is followed by"

Page 59, first example (first printing of the book only): Remove the letter a from each of the three lines of output of the first command. Also remove 2005 from each of the three lines of output of the third command. (Jess Gorzo)
Chapter 4, page 82 Figure 4-6: Change ../home to .. and ../home/jenny to ../jenny
Chapter 6, page 157 The arrow from the } key should point to the left end of the blank line below the paragraph that the cursor is in. (Rick Ord)
Chapter 6, page 176 Second example, change autoindent to ignorecase.
Third example, change ai to ic. (Rick Ord)
Chapter 6, page 184 First example, change !'sort to !'qsort. (Rick Ord)
Chapter 11, page 484 Bottom of the last paragraph, change $4 to $6. (Theodore Papamarkou)
Chapter 11, page 525 The answer posted for exercise 18 was wrong. It is now correct. The line
if [[ ! -d $pathname ]]
should be
if [[ ! -d "${pathname%%/*}" ]]
Without this change, the sequence of commands makepath2 a/b followed by makepath2 a/c generates an error. (HongLiang)
Chapter 12, page 536 Change the print command in both examples to print "2^" n, 2**n. (Pop Marin)
Chapter 12, page 548 Change the sort line in the word_usage example to
sort -k 2nr -k 1f,2
(Melvin Davidson)

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