Newsgroup Reviews

Cover of A Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux 8

From the newsgroup

Date: 03 Mar 2003 12:28:32 GMT
Organization: AOL
Subject: MBR: The Computer Shelf
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The Computer Shelf
Mark G. Sobell
Addison-Wesley Professional
c/o Pearson Technology Group
75 Arlington St, #300, Boston, MA 02116
0201703130 $59.99

A Practical Guide To Red Hat Linux 8 by Linux expert and consultant Mark G. Sobell is an extensive and comprehensive guide specifically written and intended for Linux 8 users of all skill and experience levels, ranging from the novice to the seasoned programmer. Carefully presented with step-by-step examples, and offering informative and "reader friendly" instructions for utilizing all of the basic Linux utilities, programming tools, system administration tasks, as well as new features specific to Red Hat Linux: Version 8, A Practical Guide To Red Hat Linux 8 is also a compendium of advice pertaining to security issues, enhanced a glossary of more than 500 words and phrases. An exhaustive guide accompanied by a CD-ROM containing Red Hat Linux version 8.0 itself, this 1565-page instructional reference is enthusiastically recommended for anyone with an interest in the latest form of Linux.

From the alt.os.linux.redhat newsgroup

Date: 03 Mar 2003 12:28:32 GMT
Organization: AOL
Subject: MBR: The Computer Shelf
Message-ID: <>

The Computer Shelf
From: Fearless (
Subject: Great new RH 8 Book
View: Complete Thread (2 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.os.linux.redhat
Date: 2003-01-12 09:37:40 PST

Mark Sobell has updated his best-selling "A Practical Guide to Linux". The new edition is called "A Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux 8.0". The book has all new chapters that are mostly RH-specific as well as his excellent chapters and tutorials on the whole of Linux. I used the earlier version extensively, but the new book is just downright superb. Highly recommended as a textbook on Linux and a tutorial on RH 8.0.